Does Sensa actually work?

Has anyone used Sensa? If so did it really make you lose weight? I was doubtful because I didn't believe simply shaking something on your food would make you lose weight. It seems too good to be true. Apparently it has worked for some people.


  • Nothing will cause you to lose weight other than drugs such as clen, eca stacks, anavar, winstrol, or eating less.


  • No. The company's weight loss evidence is based on a "clinical" study (not to be confused with a clinical trial, which is the gold standard for research) done by Hirsch. This study has never been validated, nor published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

    The lack of scientific evidence on Sensa, along with a lack of diet and fitness guidelines to accompany the product, raise a red flag for some nutrition experts.

    "This is not a magic bullet. There is no magic sprinkle. This isn’t even a diet," says diet and fitness expert, Pamela Peeke, MD. "It oversimplifies the complex physiology and psychology associated with appetite."

    She adds that there is nothing unique about the list of ingredients in the tastants.

  • NO not really and plus it changes the way the food taste

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