Adobe Photoshop HelP!!!!?

I need Help With Adobe Photoshop Elements 6. Using: "Edit".

After I cut the picture out with the lasso i copy and paste it to a different picture..

But When I enlarge the picture the picture shows a lot of pixels and it is really "box-shaped"..

Why does it do that???

Is there a way to enlarge the picture AND still make it look lie the original but bigger??

Please help..

10 Points Garunteed!!!!!


  • Sorry, there is no way of enlarging the picture and maintaining quality. The image is not a vector, so when you enlarge it, it becomes aliased. What you can do, is convert the image to a vector, which is a bit tricky.

    Depending on what the image is, you might also like to Filter > Artistic, and take a look at some effects there. However, this may not be suitable for the image you have.

    However, you may like to google it and see what tutorials you get. Take a look at this website, hopefully it helps you

    Good luck!

  • Nope, there isn't any way to do that.

    This is because when a picture is saved it has a certain resolution (pixels per inch)- and this resolution can not be changed.

    When the picture is opened, it is opened at its optimum resolution. When the image is stretched the number of pixels (which are square) remain the same but only get larger.

    This results in the picture being pixelated (having boxes)

    Hope that helps :)

  • The "lot of pixels" and "box-shaped" is due to stretching the image. Up-sizing an image stretches it, and the application has to make an attempt to fill in the pixels in between. That causes the pixelation. You can't enlarge an image and expect it to look normal.

  • I don't really use "Photoshop" alot but i know for sure that the problem can be found in the file extension or maybe the way you saved it.

    If you save the picture as jpeg or gif, you will not have transparency which means that you can see through the erased parts of picture if your extension is transparency enabled. the best format i know is png

    the other problem might be you reduced the dimensions to a smaller size i say u go to file-open recent or in some cases all you have to do is go down and look for your the project you just finished

  • Sorry, but there is no way to do that. When you open an image it's at it's "Normal" and hopefully best-looking size. Most images are pixel-based and when you take something that looks good and stretch it out it looks bad.

  • mhhhh.... I think not no.

    Try getting a bigger pic of the one you are trying to enlarge, or make the other one smaller.

    You could try this (in the pic you cut, before you cut it):

    - Image-> Size of the image-> Size of the document (make it bigger).

    Resolution 150

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