Cymbalta side effects?

Okay, so I have been on Cymbalta for 2 weeks now. The first week, my doctor had me on 30 mg, and then last Friday, he upped it to 60 mg. Initially, I did not have any side effects, however, I started noticing that it was becoming harder and harder to fall asleep. My doc suggested melatonin, but to no avail. When I upped the dose to 60 mg, I started having a decreased appetite and I also felt shaky most of the time. My insomnia is still there. Is this normal? Do these symptoms go away?

I am also freaking out becuae I have read so many negative things about this drug.....but then again, that could be said for most. There are always people who may do really well on a drug, while others do not.

Any personal experiences or advise would be great.



I have been on Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro, Effexor, Welbutrin, Celexa, and that other anixety med that has the happy circle floating around.


  • i have been on cymbalta for a yr now....i haven't had any side effects...i have insominia so i have been on ambien for as long as i remember...i also take a muscle relaxer before i go to bed....

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