Camera Effect? HELP!!!!!!!!?

Hi, i was wondering how to do this effect;

[yes i know its nickasaur's flickr, im a fan of him too] is it a camera effect? or is it a photoshop effect?

If a camera effect, what camera has this setting?



  • This is a camera effect. the photographer exposed for slightly long time and moved the camera while the shutter is open. The movement created the light patterns.

  • This is strictly a camera effect, and most likely a film camera effect. The key is to hold down the shutter button to over expose it, then shake it. Film cameras that are manually operated can do this type of thing.

    Check out the Holga 135. It's a camera that can do this sort of thing. Good luck!

  • well we call those kind of photographs are long exposure.

    well if your cam has got the "manual mode" select it

    then there will be some thing called shutter speed

    if the display shows like this 15'' it means 15 seconds

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