Is CPU-AMD FX 8350 a good processor for 2013 modern games?

I want to play battlefield 4 and GTA V is it good?


  • The 8350 is a great processor, I have it, and I couldn't be happier. Honestly, I'll never go back to Intel. If you have tons of money to waste then yeah, the new i7s edge out the 8350 (not by much though) so for your money, you can't get better. Also, I think people tend to overplay the CPU's role in gaming, you want to give more consideration to the GPU.

    And btw, the 8350 overclocks really well when paired with the 990FX chipset, and some decent cooling.

  • It is one of the best AMD processors out to this day. It is 8 cores and runs at 4.0 GHz. And yes it is a great CPU for a low price. But to run those games you'll need a decent dedicated graphics card. I recommend a radeon hd 7850 not a high end card but It will be able to handle those games on medium to low settings.

  • For more BF4, the CPU matters less than the graphics card. Sure, you'll need a suitable CPU (I think that one is fine) but the Graphics card is what gives you the power to run your game. A good CPU would be Nvidia GTX 780. I've heard it's pretty good for gaming.

  • What's the ghz and is it dual or quad core? Anyways, you won't kno if it can until and if gta is realsed to PC.

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