is necessity a concrete or abstract noun?

"The necessity of good sportmanship." is the actual sentence.


  • Necessity is abstract noun.

  • Abstract Noun Of Invent

  • An abstract noun is any which you cannot use your five senses to experience. Concrete nouns require the five senses to help you experience them. Therefore, "necessity" is an abstract noun because none of your senses are required to experience it. Hope this helps.

  • Necessity is a Concrete noun because you CAN NOT touch it, taste it, feel it, or hear it. A concrete Noun is something PERCEIVED by the senses.

  • Concrete

  • kay, its an abstract noun, cause its like 'invention'. it seems like it would be a concrete but its nooott hahah. if i cant touch it, its not a concrete noun:))

  • Depends on the concrete.

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