Employment & Sick Pay?

Ok, here is my problem: I have worked with a company now for aprox. 4 months but unfortunately 2 of the 4 months i have not been well and have been receiving sick notes from my GP. The company i work for have said to me "you have been dismissed and taken off the payroll." so i questioned this and then my boss added "well... you haven't been dismissed you have just been taken off the payroll." So i just thought to myself 'fair enough' later that month i received a pay slip through my door *the confusion started* 'well if i have been taken off the payroll why have i received this?'. SO! the moral of the story is i have been on the sick with NO sick pay - not a penny. I am still unsure of where i am up to with the company at the moment and am sure where to turn.

The company have been on BBC's Watchdog before now (i figured this after i had the problems) so they are well known for being 'dodgy'. So my question is does anyone have any advice what to do?

Plus: The 'Boss's' best friend works at the same place and he pays £800-£900 Tax Per month which is roughly the average wage of a full time worker there, so i am wondering also if it is possible to get a tax investigation done there?


  • The company doesn't have to pay you sick pay - if you have only been with them for 4 months you do not qualify for most of the statutory employment protection regulations. To be honest if I had taken you on and after a few weeks you went off long term sick I would be handing you your marching orders. Tough as it might seem if you are employed by someone you are actually expected to do some work and if the employer has not been given a reasonable return to work date then they are entitled to dispense with your services.

  • You're not entitled to sick pay unless your employment contract says so

    Sick pay is not a statutory right

    What you can do is claim SSP, see the back of your sick line for that

    As you've only worked there for a few months you have few employment rights, sadly

    As for the other employee, is he pays £800 a month tax, then he must be earning a decent wage

  • Have you asked them what you were paid for? Could be holiday pay owed. Workers under 12 months have no employment rights as as you have hardly been there. Nothing you can do but look elsewhere when you are better.

    Nothing to do with you what other peoples tax is. It could be back tax or anything else. Put your spite to one side and get on with your life.


  • You don't have full employment rights until you are in a company for (I think it's 2 years now).

    Also, a company does not have to pay sick pay. It is good practise but it only has to pay you for work. It depends what it states in your terms and conditions of employment.

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