Why do Filipinos charge apartment rent by the day?

Why do Filipinos charge apartment rent by the day? In the West, we charge by the month. I mean, like who would sign a 180 day lease? Or a 360 day lease?

When you charge by the day, you have to be like, "ok, um.... so, monthly, that's....wait... what is it?"

Filipino culture is SO INCREDIBLY different than any other culture in the world. I just don't understand it.

So what's the explanation of this one part of it?


  • Simple Leroy, the employment situation in the PI is so erratic you can be working and financial one day, out of work and broke the next so anyone renting out anything, apartments, cars, jeepneys, stores or whatever demand daily payment as the guy with money today might not have money tomorrow. I have seen many examples of this as family members, even though they work tell me that the waiting list for jobs at their shop or factory is so long that 1 small mark against you gets you fired. You are in fear every day the boss will sack you to give your job to the son of a friend or something like that. Filipino bosses wield untold power over their workers--who work for what you and I spend on a cup of coffee they toil 12 hour shifts at mind bogglingly boring and repetitive piecework jobs. And get this--apparently most jobs are sourced at so called recruitment agencies for 6 month contracts--that you have to pay for!!!!! Its diabolical.I have a 28 year old niece who works 12 hour shifts, 6 days a week for 6000 pesos a month. That's about 135 dollars.Can you believe it?

    But, to get that job she had to pay the agency 3000 pesos and there is NO guarantee the job will last for any set time. The boss can kick you out any time he has a mind to --so--your 3000 pesos is gone too.Happens all the time and that is why everyone renting the cheaper end of the scale pays daily. The landlord or property owner knows all too well, to allow a whole month before getting a payment may see him lose out big time as the tenant got the sack or lost his job 28 days ago and has no money.

    Sad as all get out but there it is.

  • initially, Ryan, i could desire to declare which you sound like an particularly advantageous, extremely smart and ok knowledgeable guy. Your question grow to be properly written with very few spelling or grammatical blunders if any (the magic of spellcheck, etc.?) and all i can declare is that, even if incorrect your mom would desire to be approximately some issues, she would desire to have accomplished some thing precise with you. i do no longer think of there could be any regulations against what your mom is doing, except you would be able to desire to desire to get her in worry with the welfare human beings. Technically, she is meant to report any earnings, so, actual, that would desire to be a tack you could take to get her to pass into opposite on the hire hike. Frankly, i does no longer, nevertheless. in the journey that your mom is midway first rate in some strategies, do you desire to get her in worry? and that i does no longer threaten to do some thing you're no longer probably going to do. yet you would be able to desire to consistently point out it as variety of an aside. basically a whiff of your information that some thing is fishy right here would desire to help your mom come all the way down to earth. even if, remember ... there is not any regulation against your shifting out the two, so some distance as i comprehend. the place I stay, $500 could actually get you to be one 0.5 of a share, or 1 / 4 of a college apartment or some thing. it variety of feels somewhat unfair what your mom is doing simply by fact could make it harder so you might pursue your objectives in case you haven't any longer finished college or are making plans to pass or are wanting to commence a company ... something.

  • maybe they want to have sex on every bed in the philippines,btw my g/f and i are up to about half

  • they needed the money in daily basis .

  • Same way we wonder why you don't charge the same way, as hole

  • One word...."guesthouse"

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