do you think Obama will engage syria?

what if there is a lot more chemical attacks?


  • as long as war is profitable, we'll always start useless wars.

  • If Obama was seriuous and had balls, he would open up on Syria with a can of wup a55 and do what Bush did with Iraq.

    But he'll send a couple of cruises missiles in there like Clinton did against Osama.

    "Bad boy, Assad!" Such BS.

  • Leave them alone, I mean if we don't stop them then they'll keep doing it (and possibly other countries might think it's okay too). But why do WE have to put the most effort into policing international law? We should contribute just as much as Britain and France, moderately.

  • Being that it's a really bad idea and most Americans don't want him to ,,,,, Yes , I'm certain he will.

  • obama doesn't have the moral fortitude to declare war and will probably rely solely on someone else's military decision....

  • Yes; I think he'll order some bombing missions and fire some missiles, but that's about it.

  • no he will just shoot a few missiles and go play golf.

  • A. no

    B. Count on it.

  • We all are screwed.

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