Does everybody deserve a second chance?

No matter how badly they messed up.


  • Messing up is how we learn. Sometimes, messing up badly is a hard lesson. Second chances allow us the opportunity to correct that mess up and try to do better.

    Anyone who truly wants to set things right should have that chance.

  • Personally, I think that if the person is genuinely sorry for messing up and they will attempt to do better in the future, by all means they deserve a second chance.

  • Quote for a quote page, years ago.

    ‘Fool me once, it’s your fault

    Fool me twice, its mine

    Fool me three times, God I’m dames!’

    As a rule, I live by that quote when I give people a chance, I give them one chance, if they do me wrong, that’s normally game over, unless I can see a reason to give them another chance. But if they blow that next chance, it’s on me, like I should have known better, as they say ‘history has a habit of repeating its self’ I very really give a third chance, because like in the quote, I’m dammed! You would be stupid to think anyone could change in a third time, second time maybe, but third, no way!…

  • Yes. Think about a time in your life someone gave you a second chance. People who come back from death get a second chance so why not in life too? The Bible says to forgive, "70X7."

  • Well,not during a spelling bee or after 3 strikes at bat but generally I believe that every one should be afforded the opportunity to reboot and pursue a better path...

  • I always Give Three Chances!

  • Depends.

  • yes they do

  • Yes they sure do.

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