Do you think I am a good dancer?

I have only been dancing for 3 years and I can do quad turns, fouettes, and a la seconde turns well. I also have all of my splits and have good leaps and turns. I can usually keep up with everyone in the class unless Im feeling sick or something lol. But I think I'm pretty good considering I have been dancing for only a couple years. ( I know that's a vague discription) but what do you think?


  • I agree without seeing you dance we don't know how well you actually dance. But I've been doing it for 4 years now and I can only do a double, haven't been taught fouettes and a la secondes, so you are doing well for where you are.

  • I don't think we can judge your dancing skills with out seeing you dance. Why do you ask anyway? You obviously know you can do some cool moves.

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