Do dreams come true?

So my dreams come true very often, little stuff like a saying a close friend will say as we're cooking in class or an event that I don't purposely try to do. The other night I had a dream I had Cancer. I woke up having an anxiety attack. I remember my head hurting Constantly through the dream. A couple days before that I started having this on going headache and am still having it even with taking medicine. I'm a little worried but could it come true? Is that even possible?


  • I have dreams that come true too. If this is really freaking you out, you should like go see a doctor like as soon as possible like just in case. But don't be freaked out, not every dream comes true. Just hope that this dream isn't one of them.

  • NO, of course not! And if you don't have any other medical symptoms except a headache, why on earth would you even imagine you could have cancer??

    Dreams that come true as you described are merely DEJA VU-- a common though widely misunderstood phenomena that millions of people experience daily. Search in this category for "dejavu + precognitive dreams" and you'll dozens, even hundreds of them. There's at least one question on that topic posted here every day.

    Oh and you needn't bother your doctor... unless you'd like him to have a good laugh at your expense.

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