Can you critique my flickr photostream?

I know I only have 3 photos, but so far, what can I do to grow as a photographer.

and I know I'm not really that good, but I'm working at it.

Please help,



  • I like the first one. It's minimal but not static. The second one could benefit from a little burning on the left side in the sky, otherwise fine--nicely composed. The third is the classic waves-on-the-sand, but I like the tones quite a lot. I think you should consider editing out some of the twigs on the sand, as they are a little distracting. The bottom-right corner is little too light I think. Darkening it would make your footprints harder to see (already a little difficult to see), I don't know if you should just forget the footprints and burn the corner, crop the footprints out or lighten the rest of the photo. I would play with it to see what you like best.

    I think you have a good start, and don't think that you "aren't really that good" because everyone has to start somewhere. I recently looked back at some of my photos from when I started to take photography a little more seriously, and there is definitely difference between then and now. Trust me, your start is good, and you will get better.

  • You are starting pretty good but i think you should start on something either people nature wildlife etc Since you are a beginner. You have a great start. Maybe a DSLR would help bring out the colors and tone. But basically she (above me ) explained it all.

  • You already posted this same question, and I answered on the other one. Please give me best answer on both!

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