Zebra Danios in with Blue/Gold Gouramis?

I have 11 Zebra Danios that range in size from 1 inch to 2 inch and I'm wondering if they'd be okay to transfer into my 50 gallon tank with 5 Blue/Gold Gouramis who get along with each other. There are also 3 juvi YoYo Loaches in the tank if that matters.

I've researched and some say the Danio's speed might stress the gourami. But other sites tell me that Danios are actually great tankmates for gourami.

Any thoughts?


  • If the gouramis are nice to your loaches, then there shouldn't be a problem. The good part is is that you have 11 danios. his way the danios can work as a group.

  • Shouldn't be a problem, I mean those are all community tank type fish. If its 50 gallon it should be fine. Just keep an eye on them the first couple hours.

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