Do you believe in Paranormal activity?

I have always wondered if there really are sprits that live here on earth that never moved on. 12 years ago my Sister was murdered in Sarasota FL and I have watched some of those shows on TV and wondered. I know we can't believe everything on TV But I wish I knew for sure if it was real. I want to know that she crossed over and is happy I miss her soo much and wish I could just find out to put my mind at ease.


Thanks for all your answers. I just wonder everyday if she is ok and the man was caught and put into jail. It's just the brutal way he killed her that makes me wonder. I'm not that religous but I know the basics and she is safe and happy but I wish I could know for sure.


  • I'm truly sorry to hear about your sister. I know how difficult that must have been. I also know, that with her abrupt loss, you would like to have some sort of further closure in order to come to terms with your loss. After all, no one wants to think a loved one just dies and that's the end. We want to think our loved one goes on to something better, especially after such a horrific death. However, I basing my opinion on the evidence at hand, I can not it good conscience support the belief in the paranormal, regardless of the reason.

  • First off let me start by saying that I am very sorry to hear about your sister I know how hard it must've been for you

    Second, I am going to say that I do believe that spirits roam this earth because they have not moved on. How else could I explain some of the things that i see, hear and feel in my house. But I also know that ghosts are of the demon and I truly believe that your sister has moved on, especially if the person who caused her death was found guilty or admitted to it or even is sorry about the whole thing, i do believe she has moved on and is with God as we speak watching over you and guarding you. Maybe you should read up on the subject. Do searches online and read some books on the subject.... Then maybe you can get a better feel on the matter and that way you could feel at ease. Good luck sweetie. Take care

  • Let me start off by saying that I am so sorry about your sister,my heart goes out to you.

    When i was growing up,i didn't really believe all of those ghost stories either.I thought it was just a bunch of grown-ups trying to scare me,but everything changed when i turned 13 yrs old.I was standing in my living room by myself and all of a sudden i felt this really weird feeling come over me.I turned around and there was a lady in a white dress staring at me,and at that very moment i realized that ghosts/spirits do exist.

    My Sister,Mother,and Granny have all experienced the paranormal as well.We are a family of believers.When my sister was little she saw a man with a hat on sitting in a chair staring at her.

    I find it quite comforting and reassuring that my departed loved ones are still watching over me,and i hope you will too one day.I sincerely hope that your sister is at peace and i hope you can rest assured that she is okay.Good Luck!

  • I am a Paranormal Investigator i do believe in paranormal activity and believe there are spirits here many things have happened in my life that i cannot explain and have seen spirits of different types in different locations. I will continue this day forward like i have been doing , to continuously help those in need of paranormal guidance just like alot of people in this paranormal field are here to help one another :) but i still stand the same i believe in paranormal occurrences and ghosts/spirits. When Spirits are through with their business in this world i believe they cross over, now that doesn't mean your sister is not here watching over you :) i believe when you pass on you have free will to travel back and fourth at will! but yet some spirits are sometimes decide to stay because of unfinished business etc.

    I am sorry about the death of your sister :(

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  • i lost my sister 12 years ago also Nov 18 of 1995. i know how it is to loose a sister. my sister was not murdered but was in a coma for a week before her death. we had to pull the plug. it was the hardest decision we ever had to make but it really was for the best, she was completely brain dead at that point. 4 years ago i lost my father to suicide and now they both visit me often in little ways, sometimes you really just have to pay attention, my father's favorite shows were gun smoke and mash. i swear when i am watching tv if dad's shows are on he switches the channel and i will change it back only to have it change again until i say to him 'hi dad i know your here but i really would like to watch my show" then he stops my sister loves to turn on my shower she has even done it when my daughter was in the bathroom e-mail me i have more stories about my sister if you are interested

    i'm so sorry to hear about your sister and i hope that the guilty person rots in the farthest depths of hell for all eternity

  • If you believe in the afterlife, then have faith that Whoever is in control is just and kind, and therefore you have nothing to fear about your sister. I have a hard time believing that, if there is a god, it chooses to place the beings it supposedly created out of love into eternal suffering. That makes absolutely zero sense to me.

    Some people don't believe in the afterlife, in which case again your sister is experiencing no pain, no sadness, but instead lives on in your memories.

    Either way, I think you can put your mind at ease. So sorry to hear of this tragedy.

  • I'm sorry about your sister :(. I don't think that people like that should be forgiven, but in the end it is Gods decision, not people's.

    Yes i do believe in paranormal activity as i can see ghosts and sense when they are around. I am now trying to do psychokinesis.

  • My sympathy about your sister, I can't even start to imagine what that might have been like.

    Yes, I believe in paranormal activity (activity that occurs and is not explained by current science).

    You seem to be asking about belief in an afterlife (which is considered paranormal but is a very specific area).

    I personally choose to believe in an afterlife and that our personality/consciousness survives after we lose our body. That is based on my faith not evidence.

    There have been attempts to use science to establish evidence for an after life and you might be interested in looking at those. The last book listed below in written by a medium and it did at least help my mother when she lost her mother.


  • First let me say that I am sorry for your loss. Second let me say that if you or others have not reported seeing your sister, it is possible that she has passed over. If this is the case, you should try to take comfort in that she is on the other side and she is very peaceful and happy.

  • i think there are spirits that remain, for one reason or another, but usually i think its because they don't know they are dead or have unfinished business, i know it sounds allot like the movies and tv, but i really do, I'm also sorry to hear that you lost a loved one ,its never easy, and her unique death makes it even harder, I'm sure she has moved on and is happy. i lost a cousin that was 4 days younger then me we were like sisters, it was a hard loss, she was on allot of meds and passed out in her bathroom and chocked to death when she got her throat caught on the drawer, is was really sad and horrible, but i know that she has moved on. i also believe that our loved ones are allowed to look in on us to give us guidence when needed. :)

  • Paranormal activity is anything that cannot be readily explained by scientific investigation and by normal sound reason. Scientist and skeptics have no classification for what we call paranormal, it will be designated the closest possible explanation or written off as "unknown".

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