poll how do you like to prepare your asparagus?

i love asparagus and am looking for different ways to fix it


  • Hahahaha.....I trying to figure out how you knew how to spell asparagus! You know I luv ya sweetie... heehee....

    I like it grilled...the big fat ones...

  • i like asparagus and that i steam it or grill it and that i eat it raw no matter if that is clean and youthful and that i have fried it up with onions and 1st Baron Verulam and mushrooms and that is hubby's sought after. I slice it skinny and stuff it in rooster breast with some prosciutto and pepper jack cheese and then coat them in egg and bread crumbs and brown in a skillet and bake off interior the oven they're very solid! you are able to roast it interior the oven and that is solid that way too in simple terms upload some olive oil and some salt and pepper or upload your sought after herb in simple terms play with it and observe what you want perfect i like a touch garlic and then upload some Parmesan on perfect yet then i like cheese! See what you want and take it from there!

  • If they are stemmy, I take a potato peeler to at least one side. I put them in foil with some olive oil, salt & pepper, and any other things you wish to add (garlic cloves go good here). Wrap up and throw on the side of the grill and let steam cook for about 20 minutes. Yum. Even if it burns a bit it is very tasty.

  • Hi Debby,

    I stream the Asparagus,salt it and put mayo on it..I know it sounds Gross,but it really good..Try it Debby and you will see for your self..

    Your Friend,


  • Debby,do you know,i have never tasted asparagus in my life,

    take care Debbs my good friend,

  • I usually just boil it I guess xD (boring I know)

    But sometimes I'll chop it up and add it to a stir fry :D

  • You could always try:

    Boiling it in water

    Frying it in a pan

    Deep frying it

    (please use appropriate seasonings etc.)

    Good luck,


  • I like to saute in some butter and garlic...aldente

  • I don't sorry Debby..nothing fancy just wash and cook.

  • Putting it in the trash

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