placenta developing... bleeding? miscarriage?

i had a little blood clot not big at all, and deffinitly 2 small 2 be the baby, i also had a little blood with it as well. i am 8 weeks prego. i went to the er, and they said everything seems normal (all testing) they said its to early to see the placenta, but its probably the placenta settleing in place close 2 the opening or the placenta may be digging deep into your wall. has anyone out there had this bleeding for the placenta reason? by the way there is no more bleeding.


  • I bled at 7 weeks, so I can definitely relate to you. They said it was the placenta latching on and everything around the placenta, like what you would bleed out on your period. If the ER says you're fine, you should be fine. I know, I freaked out too.

  • You should consider (ask your doctor) taking baby aspirin for at least 4-5 weeks until placenta takes over - it helps prevent / minize clotting around the placenta and it is perfectly safe. That is what our doctor prescribed after first miscarriage.

    We never did figure out reason for first miscarriage around 12 weeks (had spotting, no bleeding early) but likely cause was placenta never took over in time - either due to clotting around placenta or progesterone deficiency.

    Good luck.

  • I had placenta previa which caused lots of bleeding while pregnant. It happened because my placenta laid low.... If yours stops be very happy, mine usually started up if I had sex and continued til about 6 months of pregnancy before it finally lifted.

  • i'm so sorry hun on your loss I certainly have had 4 miscarriages and that i continuously had organic miscarriages all of them diverse from a week to 2 weeks from as quickly as I found out My miscarriage at 9 weeks i found out the infant had stopped coming up at 8 weeks and miscarried at 10 weeks

  • this sounds like the placenta implanting, which usually takes place around eight to ten weeks, I had this with both of my children.

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