Is candy crush a scam?

I've been stuck on 1 level now for weeks. I cleared all but 1 jelly, with 35 moves left, and the combo I needed never showed up. This has happened twice. But I notice that they give you the option to purchase more moves. Is this a scam? Is the game rigged that you are forced to purchase moves?


  • I've heard from many people that yes, the game purposely gets harder to make you purchase moves. The most common one is level 65. From what I hear, there's a progressive algorithm that the programmers put into place. The better you play, the harder it is to beat. So if you had a lot of combos very early on, the game actually recognizes it and gets harder. There is no known work around for it at this time, but some say that if you put your phone in "airplane mode" it blocks any "live feed" programming into the game. However, when you downloaded the game, the pre-programmed algorithm is already there.

  • Candy Crush Scam

  • Most IOS games are scams, theyre free to play but to actually beat then you gotta pay boat loads of money, in which case you mighty as well buy a real game for an xbox or playstation.

  • You won't be able to beat this game unless you pay for the extras, don't pay to play for this scam.

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