Is this legal to do as cop?

So I got a ticket last Friday for parking. I went into pay the ticket and the ticket says 15 dollars. The claimed it was 25 dollar caus they changed ticket prices at the turn of year (5 months not too long anything) and I paid it before (or attempted to) before it was claimed late. This cannot be legal to, right?


The ticket SAID it was a 15 dollar fine


  • Cop has been on the job for awhile. The cop was used to writing that it was 15, so when the price bumped up to 25 they just forgot or weren't thinking when the wrote the wrong price. We've all made mistakes like this from time to time. So what do you think the cop did wrong?

  • So what you are saying is that they used an old form of the ticket, which had an incorrect amount? That information is there for information only, it does not determine the value of the ticket.

    You pay the new amount.

  • Why isn't it legal?

    Since fines increases are usually announced, and sometimes they forget to update the tickets.

  • Sure it's legal. When you got the ticket the price was $25.00.

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