Factor into prime factors?

First time I have done prime factors in long time.

How do you factor 612 into prime factors?

Thanks for any help and if you could explain how you did it.


  • Keep dividing by prime factors until you can't any longer.

    612 = 2 * 306

    = 2 * 2 * 153

    Note that 1+5+3 is divisible by 3

    = 2 * 2 * 3 * 51

    Note that 5+1 is divisible by 3

    = 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 17

    17 is prime, you are done.

  • Keep dividing by prime numbers until you get a prime number.

    612 / 2 = 306

    306 / 2 = 153

    153 / 3 = 51

    51 / 3 = 17

    Answer: 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 17

  • You divide the number by the lowest prime number you can:

    612/2 = 306

    Then do the same with the answer:

    306/2 = 153

    Then again until you get a prime number as the answer:

    153/3 = 45

    45/3 = 15

    15/3 = 5

    Then you look at all the prime numbers you've divided by and multiply them together, along with the final answer. 2(squared) x 3(cubed) x 5

    Hope this helped! :)

  • 612 = (2^2)*(3^2)*17

  • 2 * 306

    2* 153


    3 * 17


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