how do i transfer my tapes to my mac?

i have a macbook and it just has a minidisplay port and two usbs no firewire cable i want to plug in my Panasonic PVDV401 MiniDV Digital Camcorder how do i do that i noe if i had a firewire port i could do a 6 pin to 4 pin but since i dont have the firewire what should i do??


  • Unfortunately, FireWire is a connection that is found in the MacBook Pro, and not the MacBook. You'll have to settle for a lower-quality device that'll use USB, or borrow a computer that has FireWire.

    As for the suggestion to use Windows, not all Windows machines have FireWire either, so that's not an automatic solution to the problem. The solution is using a machine that has what you need, whether it's a Mac, a Windows PC, or even a Linux setup.

  • buy a PC. does "anysing u waaant". i know u wont agree, but i will take y 2 points and leave thank you.

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