Crazy Urge to smoke pot...peer pressure?

Me ::

-15 yrs

-Freshman in HS


-Straight A's [mostly]

So i have recently made friends with a senior guy in my school. He is totally nice, and just so caring in the biggest way. But he does smoke marijuana. He does this maybe once a week or so. But he tells me his stories, and everything and i listen because its just a joy to talk to him. I am not attracted to him in any *bug* way. I am just glad to have him as a friend. He is the kind of dude that will have your back always.

Recently i have started being curious in trying pot. Just a try to see how he feels, and what people are talking about. I do not want to do it ever again after that. Just once. But i ended up telling him that i was having a craving to do it. He told me that if i decide to do it, that i call him and we'll do it together. I totally trust him. But he seemed very excited about it. Not in a bad way, but almost as if it would be cool to see a girl 'like me' high. I dont exactly know what i am talking about either :]. But i would like to know all the short/long term effects that it will have. What i will be risking. Do i get hungover the next day? And stuff like that.

Please also tell me what you think about the guy. I may be describing him not well enough. But no he is not a 'rapist' or anything like that. He is super nice.

...and i am not gullible, i dont think. Because i dont change my attitude for him so he see's the real me.

Please as many suggestions as you can. Should i do this? For a try? Will i want to do it again?






  • Just to try it once, huh? And what if you like it? Will you never do it again?? Very unlikely, dear. If you like it and you're guy is doing it, of course you'll do it again!!!!

    Not saying anything, but do you know how drug dealers get people hooked? By giving them free drugs for a couple times.

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