Do you Indians , consider Mr Manmohan Singh as a Prime Minister ?

No , I don't Consider Mr Manmohan Singh as India's Prime Minister , But Sonia Gandhi's PUPPET.

Mr Manmohan Singh is NO " PV Narasimha Rao"


  • well as I say chamcho ka chamcha

    he is of no work he just obey SONIA well they are ruining our country's future

  • Puppet or snippet, he is delivering. After all he is groomed by the great PVNarasimha Rao, who was projected by his own partymen as the most corrupt man. That impression sank in public mind and the courts' judgements had no effect. Public opinion can be manufactured in India to suit someone's purpose. Corruption charge is a red rag to public bull.

    Yes the Sonia/Manmohan combination buckled on foreign affairs getting very low marks. No Indian would have swallowed it. But behind your public posturing in international fora, you must possess real strength. If we have had enough Uranium in the country we would have defied Nuclear Fuel Suppliers' Group. We had to bide time till we develop our own nuclear cycle based on Thorium resources that we possess more than anybody. This technology was not developed as Thorium is not abundant in the west. For the first time in history, India is confronted with the problem of energy security. Russian and Central Asian gas & oil resources are nearby. But you can access them only through Pakistan or China. Contrary to what you see in maps (in india) you can't raech even Afghanstan. Other powerful alternative is to use Iran as a one-country transit; but your (or manmohan's) arms are twisted by Uncle Sam. It will be a great breakthrough if we can establish a transit through Iran (and develop handling port facilities at 'Chah Bahar' in Iran) for Russian and Central Asian oil & gas.

    Popular conception in Indian mind, of a PM is that of a prize-fighter (or prize ****) who can floor his opponent. Why bother when the whole government machinery is there to take care of running of the country (and that led to Kargil skirmishes). Actually the PM is a worker who has to carry his team, government and people along. Manmohan Singh on his own couldn't have become prime minister. It could have gone to a Nehru-Gandhi or else a Brahmin or Thakur from Uttar Pradesh.

  • A prime minister has to show his intelligence and acumen in solving the problems that the country is facing. We are in 20th century and not doing politics like in olden times like that of Shivaji where being adept in sword fighting was one of the musts for a king. So a prime minister has to be crafty and not necessarily 'brave and courageous' in the contemporary context.

    Manmohan Singh is a perfect prime minister suiting the times and there is no harm if he seeks help and guidance from Sonia Gandhi, who herself could have been the prime minister easily.

    Why we people grudge somebody for her appeal? That shows our sick mentality. While there is no compulsion on us to necessarily appreciate Sonia, we look stupid when we dislike Sonia Gandhi only because she is Sonia Gandhi!

  • Dr Manmohan Singh is personally a good candidate for the post. Thats all i can say. U know, he is an expert economist.

    But, he is mislead by undue control over him.

  • May be he's an expert in economics, but sorry to state, UNFIT to be a PM.

    But he couldn't do anything, afterall as u said, he is a stamp-pad in the hands of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi..

    However, he may, when left autonomous, prove to be effective.

  • Like it or not, the coalition partners of his

    Government selected him as the PM. You will have the opportunity to chuck him at the next general election.

    No choice, but to bear with him a little.

  • Since he is in the chair ...v hv to Consider n respect his chair.

    Secondly,pl don't forget his past record RBI Governor ex

    Finance Minister...He is very much respectable person.Only

    opposition parties r trying to defame him .

  • I think he is already in a mood to pack up. Recently he underwent a cataract operation. He should attend to all his personal problems while in power. Later on, there will none to attend to him. Not even a constable will salute him.

  • certainly not, he always has to consult sonia for any issue and that's very obvious....ohh v need a dynamic ruler

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