Why do I see myself as fat?

I think I'm the fattest person alive and I've gone through eating disorder then treatment then relapse from 7th grade until 11th grade (now) and my bmi is low but I just think I'm so fat and I hate myself and i don't know If it's because I'm depressed bc I've been on so many pills from lexapro to Zoloft and nothing works. What can I do to just be happy with myself please


  • I am in therapy for my eating disorder i never see myself as thin i am 30 been in and out of hospitals for years ia m struggling again and have lost weight. there are many emotional components mine came from trauma as i suffer from PTSD, anxiety and depression i have to deal with those as well...its a struggle. but professional help is needed.

  • it's just a part of having an eating disorder. if your BMI is low, then you're obviously not fat. though you can't see it, you aren't fat. i used to absolutely hate myself, but i never admitted it to anyone, not even my counselor. so i was never diagnosed with an ED of any sort. i tracked everything i ate and how many calories i consumed every day, and i tried to stop eating any sweets. but then, my mom started talking about how none of that would help and i had to give myself some slack, so i did. i got a lot better after that. though i still have issues, it's not as severe. your mind is the thing that needs changing, not your body ((: but overall, make sure to surround yourself with positive people. PLEASE be nice to yourself.

  • Then you need more treatment for this. You really do need to encounter that BS emotion.

  • Look, being a teenager is being insecure about yourself. For some, they go into EDs where their view of themselves are totally screwed up. As you say, you see a fat person in the mirror when it's not true.

    but just as the girl with a slightly bigger nose than most, that's all she sees in the mirror, the guy with ears that stick out a little bit, you have to ignore your personal appearance and work on developing yourself educationally, spiritually, emotionally, helping others, finding hobbies, talents that you can use as your career in the future.

    Google how to love myself.

  • because your self esteem is low you are looking for something to blame it on. you can be fat and be happy if you were only content with yourself..Do something you've always wanted to do but didn't because you were afraid of what others would think..do it and don't look back

  • The Lord is there for you. He made you in His image, and He wants to be there for you. He wants you to rely on Him and to know that you are loved.

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