Do you treat everyday as a gift?

Oh how I love life!!, my wife and I will soon be getting ready for our day out with my Grandaughter and her children. Where I am the sun is out in force and my wife is making my breakfast and I'm very hungry right now too!!

I just got thinking about everything and how one must make best of one's time of this earth, I've had a wonderful life and yet it still never ceases to amaze me the things that we see each and every day. You take good care now

I'm 76 years old and wishing you all the best,



  • I do indeed Alfred.I've been very ill, so every day is a gift for me.Time with the family is time well spent.Hope you enjoyed your breakfast.

    Your posts on here always make me smile.Have a star.

  • In 20 years from now, you will be able to match very few gifts with their giver...but you will never forget this one. I would keep this 'odd' bowl for those odd occasions such as playing bridal/baby shower games where guests have to remember what is on a tray....when your having a bunch of friends over and want to start an interesting conversation, put this bowl out filled with salsa dip and enjoy watching the reactions. You'll get to hear a lot more weird wedding gift stories! Lastly, maybe this lady is a physic and your dog Cincinnati is just a couple of years away, lol.

  • Hi Alfred

    I do treat every day as a gift -- but I didn't always think that way. Now when I get up in the morning I take the first few minutes to reflect on what was so good the day before and what I have to look forward to today. I have discovered that your outlook on life definitely has a major impact on how your life will actually be.

    Enjoy your breakfast -- it is indeed a Wonderful Life.

  • I really try - I begin the day with optimism, hope and purpose.... by the end of the day I am tired and fed up.

    I am making changes to this though, because at the ripe old age of 34, I am wanting a better quality of life, so am doing less 'work' and spending more time with friends, and cooking myself a proper homemade dinner in the evenings.

    Its definately the little things in life that matter!

    Have a lovely day Alfred.

  • Yes Alfred I think too that everyday should be treated as a special gift and that kind of positive thought is just what I like to hear in the morning.

  • I don't think many people realise how precious each day actually is the same as many people don't appreciate people who are close to them. For example, the last time I saw my grandma's best friend, she had breast cancer. She was very yellow and her hair was falling out - I didn't get to say goodbye on the last day I was there and she had died about a week afterwards. I think that after someone has died, that's the time people really appreciate them.

  • No i get through each day and enjoy the good bits when they happen..

    I do however see my family - my husband and daughter as a gift, i am very lucky to be surrounded by them even if the going gets tough - i know it will pass.

  • everybody always asks me why i am always so happy-the truth is that sometimes i am sad but i always smile and try and be happy.i have had a wonderful sporting life,i have a brand new baby daughter and a loving and funny partner,i had a marvellous chidhood and my cup is always half full.

    i am reminded by the saying of,i think confucious-- Laugh and the world laughs with you,fart and you sleep alone!!

    you have a nice day my friend because i will.

  • Everyday as I woke up..I always say this prayer...

    Heavenly Father, thank you for waking us up to

    this beautiful day. We give you praise and thanks

    for the gift of life, for the gift of family, loved ones

    and friends, the gift of our work, the gift of time,

    the gift of happiness, friendship and love. AMEN!

    May the Good Lord bless and keep you always Alfred

    and your family too.

    Enjoy Life and take care!!!

  • My life is too hectic as yet!!

    It is nice to hear how happy you are!! I hope you have a brilliant day today and all the best to you and your family also Alfred.

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