Is my teacher a pedo?

I think my history teacher is a pedo, here are some reasons:

When I walk in he will say 'Hi, Gracie/Gracie-bobs'

I've told him I hate them names and my friend has told him too. Still he hasn't stopped.

He will look at me all the time when I'm doing my work.

Once or twice now, he 'Dropped' a glue stick under my table, I had a skirt on, its part of my uniform... I have to wear it. And he was just there for ages.

So I will turn round on my chair, he will get up and say 'TURN ROUND, ALL THE WAY' so I'm just like 'Okayyyy.......' He will come up to me and say 'Stay with me at break/lunch' I don't like being alone with him. I can't have a friend with me either. I give him really dirty looks and then he will just pick on me, to answer every question he asks. Yesterday I was just sitting abit sideways on my chair, then he came and said 'I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SIT SIDEWAYS AND DONT FACE FORWARD, YOU SHOULD'NT COME TO THIS SCHOOL' So I faced forward and he got mad again, because I wasn't facing him.... The reason I was sat to the side, was so I could see him talking. Friends have realised this, and that he's only doing it to me :S Maybe because there are only like 4 girls in my class including me. Sometimes I will ask to go to the toilet and then he will say no, then this other girl will, then he lets her go... Then at the end, he asks me to stay, and he says 'You can go to the toilet now' which is obviously what I'm going to do. He always says 'You hate me, don't you' I just don't say anything because I don't want to say yes. I just ignore him and get on with my work, i've done NOTHING to him. Do you think he's a pedo?


My school is free? Its just a public school in the UK...Every school in the UK wears a uniform


  • Yeah he sounds like a pedo. Too many red flags.

    The biggest one is a teacher should never be alone with a student just to hang out. Really he should only be alone with a student if they have an assignment for the student and they need to supervise it... and even then a teacher would be smart to schedule such an assignment during a time when other students and/or other teachers would be in the room.

    I mean I could even give him slack if he was suggesting that he was setting up some kind of special "fun" class during lunch for special students. But just you and him... that's suspect.

    I would speak to the guidance counselor.

  • He may not be a pedo, but he does have serious personal issues. You need to tell your parents and document every thing he does. If you're wearing a uniform, you must be going to a private or church school, and they often hire total weirdos. However, they worry about bad publicity, so you need your parents (who are paying, I suppose) to file a complaint that this guy is sexually harrassing you.

  • particularly circumstances adult adult males that age will say issues to young women in simple terms by way of fact they think of it is going to enhance their self assurance or in simple terms cause them to experience greater suited approximately their self, according to threat no longer the nicely suited difficulty to do in some peoples eyes even with the undeniable fact that this is harmless sufficient. that may no longer be the case with this guy, yet in simple terms asserting... absolutely everyone seems to be very rapid to leap to the worst end some man or woman and that's somewhat in basic terms a mirrored photograph of a foul physique of innovations in direction of mankind and existence oftentimes.

  • Just report him, let the administration take care of it.

  • I think he is a freak.... a HUGE freak

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