Do Asian American girls tend to date American guys?

By Asian American I mean raised here for most of your life.

So do Asian American girls find American guys (can be Asian/white/black descent) more attractive than Asian men (those who came from overseas recently as in 1-5 years and wasn't raised here- can speak their native language very well. They are also culturally East Asian and less American).

Or it doesn't really matter?


  • Yes.

    To be honest, it's more common to see Asian American males dating recent immigrant Asian females than vice versa.

  • I'm an American Born Chinese male, my father was born in Guangzhou, China, my mother was born in California. Before I got married I dated girls who where American born Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, White. I ended up marring a girl I met in Montreal, who was also Chinese. My wife Ching was born in Guangzhou, though she was a Canadian Citizen at the time we met. My wife is very intelegent, speaking Mandarin and Cantonese, she speaks fluent French and English. She is very thrifty and together we have been able to pay off 2 home mortgages. So just because they are foreign born does not mean they are any lesser a person than the women born in the States. I would say most of the asain guys I knew in high school (California) is a split on marrying other than asian (I was the only one who married someone from another country). Most of the asian girls I knew in high school is pretty much the same, the high school I went to had a large asian population, asians were the largest minority group at the time.


    women being the fairer sex have to be a lot more cautious who they trust when going out on a date. (fairer, meaning physically smaller, they depend upon their own intuition that they can trust the guy they decide to date.)

  • I'm Asian American and truthfully, I would only date American guys. I can speak my native language extremely well and although I am familiar with my Asian culture, I grew up in America and I would like to date an Asian American guy who shares the same custom as I. I also would rather date any other ethnicity as long as he's American.

  • I married an Asian guy. yet you're precise, a lot of white ladies gained't date Asian adult males. it truly is very weird and wonderful because they date black adult males each and every of the time. Asian adult males have a tendency to get more suitable valuable jobs and a lot less divorces than black adult males, so this isn't utilising good reasoning if you're wondering lengthy time period courting. i imagine some white adult males have a misinformed stereotype about Asian females, or they have this weird and wonderful fixation with the "unique" nature of a unique subculture.

  • Personally I am Chinese-American and female and would NOOOOOOT date some super fobby Chinese guy. There's downright a language barrier--my Chinese is terrible, when I go to China people think I'm Korean because I have a thick foreign accent when I speak Chinese.

  • foreign girls are usually easy to get so my answer is yes


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