How do I know my maximum vocal range?

How do I know my maximum vocal range, like I can't increase it anymore, my range about C3-G4

I already practice 1 year with warm up scale but it still stay the same


  • I'll tell you why. You are singing in chest voice. When you go up to a D4, completely relax your voice and let it slide into a higher register (aka head voice). Now you'll have a good octave on top of that. Another way to maximize your range is taking private lessons with a teacher. Now to increase your range even further without a teacher (at first, although I recommend getting one ASAP), follow this:

    "To increase the higher part of your voice, you will first need proper breath support. That will help with how well you sustain and how healthy your voice is. To sing higher, there is an amazing technique that many classically trained sopranos use (you don't have to be a soprano to use it though!), and I actually discovered on YouTube! If done properly, it will allow you to sing higher with more dynamics, better sounds, less "breathiness", and much less strain (in fact none, if you support your sound from your diaphragm).

    Have a yawny feeling in the back of your throat. Yawning a few times and exploring how that feels and what that does with your larynx is necessary for you to get used to it. When you yawn, you lower the larynx, which is key to singing high. Once you get used to that feeling, start trying to sing in a higher part of your voice, but still not extremely high. Try to have to no facial tension; relax as much as you can. Breathing low and completely filling up your lungs, then pushing the air out with the diaphragm should also help.

    Your goal should be to sing in the higher register with that yawny feeling without actually yawning. This will also raise the soft palette in the back of your throat, which will improve resonance. In order to do this right, however, you MUST sing in head voice. NOT falsetto. Head voice. If you aren't sure which is which, head voice sounds kind of like falsetto, but is a much fuller sound with more overtones. If by "regular voice" you mean your chest voice, for that it is best to get a teacher who will teach you how to blend head voice and chest voice (mixed voice), so that you can have healthy technique, chesty sound, and a very powerful voice."

    I hope this helps :).

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