Vauxhall Astra Break down?

My Vauxhall Astra 1.4 Arizona 'N' reg just stopped. For a few weeks now, it has been making a tapping noise and occasional squealing. I have been told that this is the alternator on its way out. Other than that it has been great.

Today it literally just stopped at the lights, Alternator has been changed but now it still won't start. There is power in the battery as the electric windows/ radio etc still work. And the engine turns over but it does not fire.

Could the problem be, the alternator not fitted properly? or could there be something else?



  • alternator sounds fine from what you said ie electrics working but the squealing you heard may just of been the alternator belt slipping and you did not need a new alternator!!

    Tapping noise on the other hand along with not starting anymore could be more serious and many things could cause this and without knowing where the sound was coming from guessing at :- broken valve, broken camshaft , broken push rod (not on OHV) etc any of which will stop the engine. sorry cant be more specific

  • Vauxhalls have a foul little element called a module that is going incorrect quite in many situations, this could account for the none commencing. Its to no longer costly to repair if it is it. It does not account for the tapping even with the undeniable fact that, that must be something called the tappets. in case you know of a solid storage use it.

  • could be a seized engine caused by blocked iol ducts or hoses might be beyond repair sorry

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