Im so embaressed!!! ugh?
so yesterday i was in the school cafeteria and my friend was in front of me and we were walking to the line. but then she saw someone she knew in the line so she started running kinda. so i started fast walking/running to catch up with her.
and right now im wearing an old pair of glasses while im waiting for my contacts to ocme. and apparently i couldnt see a puddle of water on the ground and i SLIPPED! i accidently hit my friends foot on the way and she screamed and everyone noticed!!
im a freshmen in my first month of high school and im so embaressed! and now everyday at lunch i have to walk past the same table of people who saw me fall and their always like "dont slip!! haha"
and they start laughing at me!!
omg i just want to die!!!!!!
hahaah sorry kiddo i had to laugh too was kinda funny, but dont worry it will be old news soon
I know it's embarrassing now but soon you won't even remember this. Also, keep in mind those people won't always be there, and in four years you'll be a senior and you'll be top dog then. Not to mention they will only laugh at you until someone else does something. That's how it works, unfortunately, with those kinds of people. I promise you it will get better.
i wouldn't worry about it, because these things happen to EVERYONE. if you think that those people laughing at you seem to be 'superior' or something, don't, because they've been embarassed at some point too. if it makes you feel better, the other day i didn't remember to take the size sticker off my new jeans and walked around until seventh period before noticing and taking it off hahah! at least you were aware, i was completely oblivious lol. but i'm not sweating it because i know it's so cliche to be dying of embarassment when these things happen to everyyyyoneeeee at SOME point or another. :]
haha it's okay, at least you didn't crap your pants like this other freshman did last year. i'm not even kidding, he was so stupid he just crapped his pants and stood there in the corner of the room crying. but like a month later he was back to his good old self (being a jerk) and no one really cared. so unless what you did was as embarassing as that, you have nothing to worry about.
Laugh it off- embarrassing things usually happen to most people in high school. If they see it's not bothering you, they will let it go and focus on someone else.
LMFAAO , aw dont worry
seriously laugh at yourself
its so much easier to get throough
if you get alll embarrasssssssed then ttheey keep doing it
if you be like " AHHA i know dont want that to happen agaain " or something like that lmfao i unno
anywaays be confideent nd laugh it off
itll blow oveer
ahahaha. similar thing happened to me last week haha i was walking and i hit one of my guy friends head and started to walk and i slipped in front of everyone hahaha but i did catch myself i just laughed it off lol
if you laugh at yourself and make a joke about it then they wont really notice.
i fell in p.e twice in the same month running. infront of everybody. it was halarious. i still joke about it and all my friends do too but i dont take it seriously because i know i would laugh and joke with them if it happened to them.
just brush it off and act like it doesnt bother you. if you let people know you are embarrassed then they are going to make fun of you even more, especially because you are a freshman. if they mention it just laugh it off. forget about it and move on
just laugh with them and be like yeah I'll do my best...haahaa...after they realize you don't think its a big deal...then they wont either..I am a REALLY big clutz and always find someway to fall or hurt I know what your going through..but make a joke of it too..and they will forget