is australia consider as part of europe or north america?


  • The first answer also asks a very good question,what do they teach in school these days? Australia is part of Australasia in the Oceania region.

  • Is Australia In North America

  • Australia is a continent in its own right, it is not a part of either. It also a very long distance from both Europe and North America.

  • Neither.

    Australia is Australia. It's not in Europe or America. Look at a map.

  • Australia - that big country in the southern hemisphere. Doesn't belong to Europe or America (north or south)

    Do you mean Austria - the little country under Germany in Europe?

  • Aaaarrrggghhhh

    Neither. Australia is part of Australia. Have a look at a map.

  • Yep, Hermione.. North America also includes the West Indies and Greenland.

  • dont they teach this....Australia is its own continent and defiantly separate from Europe and North America

  • Australia is a continent and a country....

    dont bother trying to catch a bus there from europe

  • Is Canada a State in the US or just a dependency?

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