Why do White Conservatives think Obama is a Muslim?

Obama was born and raised a christian but right wing brain washed conservatives believe all the lies on right wing fixed fox news.On fox and friends last year they falsely reported that Obama went to a Muslim school as a kid and every independent source has proven that it was a complete lie by fox and friends.Why can't conservatives think for themselves and stop believing the lies on fixed news.Just for the record im a white moderate republican and i don't agree with Obama's views but im not going to called him a muslim and hate slurs like the far right extremists.


  • Ignorance and paranoid xenophobia ... they also believe he is a fascist, a communist, a Kenyan, a terrorist, an alien, a baby killer, a granny killer ... and other names I've forgotten ... there's something for the lonely brain cell of every white conservative.

  • In an interview on ABC Obama stated that McCain had not brought up his Muslim faith, he was corrected by the interviewer and said, "You mean your Christian faith" and then Obama corrected himself.

    Personally I would rather think of Obama as a Muslim than as a man that attended a racist church for 20 years and then claimed he didn't hear anything.

    Dwight D. Eisenhower was a JehovahWitness and we have had at least one Quaker as a president.

    Had 9/11 not happened no one would care what religion Obama was. I know that I don't care unless he were to turn in to a radical extremist Muslim like that guy at Fort Hood.

    I can not stomach the mans policies and I think that he is too far to the left and will spend this country into bankruptcy. He is already on pace to add more to the national debt in one term than Bush added in two terms.

    For the record I am a white Independent "fiscal" conservative

  • Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, the one he calls granny, is not white and does not fit the description of an American-style “conservative.” But she created, or at least contributed to, the notion that he is a Muslim when she said Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii.

    In his first book, “Dreams From My Father,” Obama himself said he spent two years in a Christian school and two years in a Muslim school when he lived with his mother and stepfather in Jakarta, Indonesia for four years.

    Islam considers any child born to a Muslim father to be a Muslim. But I do not believe Obama has ever practiced Islam, although he may have done so for a brief period when he lived in Indonesia and attended the Muslim school. But he has never practiced Christianity, either. The Reverend Wright’s church in Chicago (Trinity United Church of Christ) is NOT a Christian church.

    Stop your ranting and stop pretending you are something you’re not.

  • He called the white police who arrested a belligerent black guy stupid yet would not call the ft. Hood shooter a terrorist and mentioned we'd desire to watch for each and all of the data earlier we bounce to conclusions (in spite of the e-mail, video and dozens of witnesses). So white police = stupid and Muslim shooters = harmless till shown to blame (in spite of mentioned data)

  • Liberation Theology kindled in South America. It ecumenicized in North America and in the Middle East (Palestinian Liberation Theology). Emphasizing "Black" when referring to the liberation theology advocated by Wright distracted from the historical origins of this doctrine during the campaign.

  • You just reminded me why I don't come to YA's much anymore. It seems there are too many children here. I'll go back to where I found adults who know how to discuss politics.

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;

    and I’m not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein

  • It's not only white conservatives that think that. Barack Hussein Obama is a muslim. You don't get names like Hussein unless you were born into a muslim household. The name Hussein was chosen for him by his muslim daddy. Obama was raised in Indonesia as a muslim in a muslim country. He was listed as a muslim when he went to school in that country. Obama SAID he would stand with the Muslims over Americans. Obama knows how to recite muslim prayers in perfect Arabic and called it one of the most beautiful sounds. It all adds up to MUSLIM. You libbies ignore the obvious.

  • White conservative libertarian here. I think Obama is an agnostic of sorts.

    Vinny: Well said on both counts!

  • SOURCE? I'm white and very conservative and Obama isn't a Muslim. Even if he was, so what?

    Nice rant but you are generalizing. Most conservative do think for themselves. That's why we are so pissed at the liberals and their massive spending.

  • i think its more interesting to think about why it would be an issue for these people. many americans are perfectly fine with a black man as president, but a Muslim? if obama actually was a Muslim, he probably wouldn't have even been elected a senator, because of many american's deep seated hatred of Muslims.

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