Can you fix my video card problem...?
I have a Dell XPS 600. I was running dual 6800's in SLI and I just bought a 8600GT. I have done the research and should have no issues using the card. Well, I put the new card in, and whether I use VGA, DVI, or S-Video to connect it to my monitor, it just DOESN'T pick it up! I can hear the PC go into windows, but my monitor stays in powersave mode. I've already set up the drivers for the nvidia 8 series card. Does anyone know what the problem is? Is my card fried? Thanks in advance for the help.
Update:I'm not trying to sli this card with an old one. I'm simply replacing the cards I HAD in SLI with this single card. Also, yes, I have downloaded the driver from the XFX website.
You should use same model of graphics card to be able to configure SLI. You said you're using 6800 and bought 8600, that would not work.
You said you've done your research, I guess you missed something. Check this site:
Did you use the drivers from the cd that came with the package? if so you need to download the drivers from the makers website.
Are you really sure thats a compatible display card ? as well as are you sure u have installed it properly ?? If u r at least getting the bios screen, then u can say its a driver problem..