how to persuade my parents to buy a ps3?

i asked my parents if i can buy a ps3, and i believe i got a 50-50 chance of getting it. How do i seal the deal?


  • The best way is Blu-Ray. Just tell them Blu-Ray in a few years will replace DVD's. Also, tell them they can use it to Watch Blu-Ray movies. Your chances would increase if your parents feel they can use it too.

  • Speaking as a parent of three.

    Yard work, doing good in school, hanging out with parents more often. All in all just be a good kid. Maybe you can create a contract with your parents stating that if you misbehave, do poorly in school, etc then they can take it away without warning. Good luck kid.

    Also remember the PS3 is not cheap, the economy is pretty jacked at the moment, don't be selfish by giving your parents a guilt trip if they can't afford it.

    FYI- Some parents could care less what the PS3 does, since most will just look at it as a toy for you. Its like saying "Mom but this toy has 10 moving parts and says 5 different things!!". Then again most parents like myself who are tech savvy are very well informed of what it does (I own a PS3 and 360).

  • Best way to do it is to know your parents. What's more important to them saving money or gaining "something"? If your parents are into gaining then it's best to highlight the Blu Ray and all of those other features. Also a perk maybe that it will get you out of their hair and they'll gain peace and quiet (If that's an issue for them). If they are into saving money you can suggest that by getting a PS3 they won't have get something else you may have asked for like a new guitar or something.

    Basically highlight how buying you the system will be beneficial to them. If you can do this successfully you should have no problem unless they really don't have the money to spare.

  • Tell them it's for more than just gaming.

    Tell them that it's still considered to be one of the best and fastest Blu-Ray players on the market and it would be ideal for watching movies. You can upscale DVDs to near-HD, download movies through the PlayStation Store, collect Blu-Ray movies, use Netflix and much more. Tell them that it will also be one of the first 3D Blu-Ray players on the market and if you don't have a Blu-Ray player with an internet connection, you'd have to buy a whole new player to watch movies in 3D (of course, you'd also need a new TV).

    Next, tell them you can use it to store family photos and display them for when friends come over. The PS3 has a Photo Gallery app that lets you display all your photos on screen and you can even have music playing along with it (it's any song of your choice).

    Then, tell them it can be used to store music. You can upload CDs and permanently store them in there, listen to music while you surf the web on your PS3 and everything.

    Tell them that it's online play is completely free of charge and they won't have to pay a single dime after they buy the machine. Downloading demos, wallpapers, themes, music, etc. from the PlayStation Store is free of charge.

    Finally, tell them they won't have to buy a Wii if they're into motion control gaming. The PlayStation Move is coming out in September, which does what the Wii can do, only it does it in HD and is much more precise. You can get a Move controller, PlayStation Eye camera and a free game bundled together for $100, or you can buy a Move PS3 bundle with all that for $400.

    Here is a video -

  • if you dont have a HDTV then the ps3 will look horrible. If you already have one talk about the blu ray and built in wireless internet with internet browser. Also other things like downloading movies and tv shows to the ps3

  • just say they used to be £400 now they are £250 for a deal but say the deal is going to end soon and the price will go back to 400

  • Blueray player, and it upscales dvd to hd, Netflick, and family games. It has internet browser so that the family can all sit together and watch the latest humorous Youtube videos.

  • say that they can have access to it too for blu-ray movies, it saves them money if you get the slim because of the electirc bill (although they will more than likely say that they are saving more money now by not having it), promise them that you won't play it all day everyday (it's bad for you anyway. idc how many people disagree, you will be unhealthy if you play it all day everyday), say that you will pay for half of it and work to pay off the half they pay for. just be creative. you now your parents better than anybody answering this question. hope I hleped.

    ANSWER MY ? PLEASE?????;_ylt=AmxqU...

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