Is a GSD a Velcro dog?

Does it always follow u around and greet u on the door and what about a gsd rottie mix


I mean he follows u around the house always behind u, like got ur back


  • My neutered male GSD is constantly at my side. He doesn't need (or want) to be on my lap, but he likes knowing where I am at all times. He's the same way with my little dog - he wants to know where she is and what she's doing.

    With a mutt of bad breeding, there's no way to know what you are going to get. If you are looking at rescuing this dog, ask if you can foster it first. If his temperament and activity level go with what you want, then keep him.

  • My mom's male GSD is, not so much her female GSD though. Every dog is different. He doesn't like being hugged on or fussed over at all but he likes following her around and knowing where she is at all times. If she shuts the door before he gets in, he'll just lay across the doorway until she comes back out. Her female GSD would rather lay in a corner on her own and chew on a bone.

  • Only if an already poor temperament is RUINED by the sick abusive owner.

    *&* AGAIN...60,000 times now=NOTHING is predictable or consistent about ANY sort of BYBd mutt/mongrel.

  • Yes, mine have been. Not sure about the mix, but I like Rottweilers too. Any I've met have been good dogs.

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