Do i have a faulty SD card reader ?

Hi there. I just bought an sd card reader and a couple of SD cards {sandisk 2GB}

First of all i have trouble most of the time getting my pc to recognise it '' please insert a disk into drive e''

I have to remove the card reader and card then plug back in, somtimes in different combinations, other times iv just reset windows and it picks it up.

I also cant format it in win xp either, through my computer OR disk managemnt in admin tools.

Iv resorted to using panasonic sd formatter. And using that i cant only do a quick format, anything else and errors ensue.

When i do get into it and try to transfer some files onto it i again get various errors ''armboot.bin.. cannot copy {file}'' the parameter is incorrect''..... ''cannot copy {file} : The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable''

Also got quite a few CRC errors too. And a couple of others which i cant recall.... i did a google on but everyone just suggests formatting ... at best.

Didnt find many answers.

I seem to be able to get some files on it, like small single ones, but not folders. Could my card reader have like a bad connection and is breaking up in the middle of transfering the larger files ?

From what iv given, does that sound like problems that would happen with a poor/faulty card reader? Like a hardware problem, or is it more of a software problem? I think i read somewhere that some readers cant read at 2GB and up ?

Its just a really cheap 'elonex' one i got from beay, for £1.59 lol.. i thought a cheapo one would do the trick, for all it is u know? Seems i may be wrong.

I seen another one in my local supermarket that def looks better quality and more expensive, but i dont mind paying now if i can find out that its def the reader, but i dont wanna go out and spend the 14 on it if im just gonna get the same problems.

Okay, in the middle of writing this ive been trying, i managed to get all the files onto it, i took out the reader, tooke out the card, put it straight back in the pc, opened it up and there was only 2 of 4 files that i put in there ? Wth ?


  • right click on safe to remove tool on the taskbar and select all the usb devices that was last used and click stop......always use this tool before you unplug a disk because you could end up crashing it

  • I might suppose any individual that writes textual content capitalizing every first phrase can have different idiosyncrasies in quite a lot of places in their lives, however I would not fear THAT a lot, specially if you're inclined to upgrade. Good good fortune to you from the backside of my center and I do wish your Usb Card Reader Does Start To Work One Day. Best Of Luck.

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