A serious issue involving a crush!?

Okay, there is this guy I've had a crush on since the beginning of the school year, when I moved to my new school. I have been noticing signs that he may have a crush on me too. He stares at me, he would smile at me and wave to me when I would look at him. Sometimes, he would try to sit next to me. I overheard him talking to his other friends about how cute and how pretty I was. I thought he really liked me, or could I be wrong? Here are a few problems.

Throughout the whole year, I tried adding him on facebook 3 times, he rejected all of the requests. I sent 2 messages to him, giving out my phone number, and asking him out (I know, p#ssy move, but I was way too scared to ask him out in person, since he's always talking to his friends whenever I see him). He never responded to these messages. He doesn't call my phone either, I assume he deleted those messages and never got my number.

There was a 2 month period when we were flirting with eachother, always playfully arguing, and basically we acted like brother and sister to eachother. I would also catch him smiling at me in a way that screams out "Rape Face" when we would walk together and not say anything. But then we did something that was too inappropriate for the school, and the school found out about it. So they basically ordered us to stay away from eachother and we had barely talked to eachother since. If he talks to me, it's only if he wants to borrow something.

I had my best friend ask him yesterday after school if he liked me and she did and when I came home and she came over to my house a while later, I asked her what did he say. She said that he asked him if he liked me more than a friend, and he said "Eww, no". I'm really confused on this part because first off, he drops big hints that he likes me, overheard him saying to other people that he loves me, he has a crush on me, and that I'm really pretty.

So I don't know if that was a cop out or if he is too shy to admit he likes me. He didn't go to school today, but I don't know if that has something to do with me, because he's usually absent a lot of times. My mom said that the guy I like is only interested in me for sex, and the truth is, I believe her, and I think that's all he wants. I don't want to lose my virgnity yet, I'm only 16 and still in high school and I would rather wait until marriage. But at the same time, it's like I want to have sex with this guy. I'm really confused. Is he interested in me as a person, or for sex!?? I really don't know!!!


  • Rape face?

  • Way too long did not read all of it but got the picture. Okay this girl is a grown women and she does need to take responsibility for her actions. She got drunk and did drugs and so did everyone else there. She is obviously not a good person to make up lies and say that she was almost raped when you and all the other people saw how she was coming on to him and the were kissing and touching all night is horrible. You need to be 100% honest and tell the truth it is not okay and fair at all for this poor guy to be accused of something that he did not do. This was mutual, both of them wanted to have sex and did. If she was feeling so bad why was she moaning and not yelling when they were having sex, wasn't your friend woken up by all the moaning. This is not a friend and not a good person, what kind of a person lies about things like this. She is fake and has not morals or guilt for what she is trying to do. Why else would her dad ask you to write a letter explaining what happen? Tell the truth they want you to write a letter do it but in the letter say everything that actually happened, so her parents and all the people she lied to know that truth. Say how she was all over him and she was making out with him and moaning and touching each other and how all of you were drinking and did drugs and how both of them were hitting on each other. Also say how she was moaning and all the noise they were making that woke up your friend, that is bs her trying to lie and make it look like something else. Some one that is getting molested or raped does not lay there and voluntarily get naked and have sex and moan and pretty much enjoy it, if you were getting raped you would be fighting that person off of you and yelling and crying and asking for help. How can you trust and be friends with someone so fake and horrible person who would lie about something like that. Be honest and have his back 100% and tell the truth so she looks like a idiot and everyone sees how much of a liar and how bad of a person she is. If you stay friends with some one like that one day sooner or later she will back stab you and make up some lie about you. You can't trust someone like that. So please do the right thing and be honest and don't let this poor guy get blame for something he did not do. She sleep with him it was mutual they both wanted to, no one force her she needs to get over it. Too bad if she felt like a **** after, she is one.

  • He is NOT worth it. Forget about him and move on.


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