My dog has a problem...?

My FEMALE dog has been fixed but she tries to hump me once and a while...why?


  • It's not abnormal and has nothing to do with sex or breeding. Some say it is a form of trying to show dominance to you (meaning, she wants to be YOUR boss).... just push her off and say NO.

  • This is totally normal and annoyingly my girl dog does it too. She also trys to hump the other dog. I would ignore it best you can. Just push her away when she starts.

  • she confused thats all but you cant let it carry on so the best thing to do which will take a few days but will work is

    everytime she goes to do it say no in a firm voice and remove her from the same room as you but only for about 3 mins at a time then let her back in, keep doing this each time she goes to do it she will get the drift i promise.

    ours went through this stage and thats how we got her out of it.

    hope this helps.

  • they just want to show that she is the boss if she does it to you it means she is trying to tell you she is the boss and if she does it to other dogs then she is trying to show them she is the boss

  • she doesnt know she has been fixed up

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