very depressed?

i'm not being dramatic, i just feel embarrassed in my class when i answer the wrong school, almost everyone is so ghetto and media-brainwashed, i only have like 2 friends. i have low self esteem and bad confidence...cheer me up...? at school, I'm not one of those asian girls with northfaces and I'm not pretty....i need some confidence and how to deal with stress at school.


  • i know a LOT about what you are going through. i went through the very same things u are describing. your self-confidence comes from within, you dont need to rely on anyone else to validate you. when u stop caring about what other people think of you, your self confidence will rise. just be strong in WHO you are, and be proud of it. why should u care at all what other people think of you? the ones that matter will love you for who you are. how do i know? i was hated a LOT in high school, but im still best friends with the people who mattered to me and who i became friends with. i might not have been popular in HS, but the friends i DID make were high quality, and thats because i am picky, and will only allow people who are truly worthy to be my friends. the people who are popular in your school now, will lose touch with all their hundreds of friends, and will find out that those people really dont care, when they need them. so be strong girl, you will get through HS, and after that, its a whole new ball game in college!

  • I know exactly where your coming from -I went to a ghetto like school-where the mindless girls were popular because they wore the right labels.But why feel embarassed over a wrong answer-your in school to learn-not prove that you know everything already-an no one is going to be thinking of your wrong answer tomorrow.As for dealing with the stress of school-know that its a small portion of your life and it really does get better after you graduate.So what if you dont have a "north" face-I'm caucasian and love the shape of korean womens faces -Its your face -dont be embarassed of it-its a portrait of you-play up your features and be proud of what sets you apart.

  • See depression, self esteem/confidence, stress treatments, study tips, and memory improvement, at in sections 2, 38, 42, 13, and 41, and consider volunteering, even from home (see page 47) to provide a solid basis in reality for the daily affirmations.

  • Im sure you are gorgeous. And 2 friends is enough! You might not be the most popular, but a friend is a friend, right? And youve got two!

    Thats great. Hey, I am 15 and I have 1 best friend who doesnt even go to my school anymore. You will get thru it.

    Just know that you will always have a friend in me :)

    [email protected]

  • My family moved away when I was 13 and left my bedroom stuff at the house. They left me. What would you do in that situation? Hum? Don't even whine about confidence or esteem to me. You are selfish and petty. Pretty? Pretty is as pretty does. Know who and what and why you are. It can not be rocked. If you don't, you are in for a rocky ride.

  • You don't need to be embarrassed when you answer something wrong no one actually cares about it you know. And two friends is just right I have tons of friends but they're not really true friends. And I'm DEFINITELY sure you're way beautiful on the inside and outside!

  • Just do your best with whatever you do.You don't have to be like satisfied with what you are and what you have.

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