Does calling yourself emo make you a poseur?

Does labeling yourself make you a poseur ?

(Yes, it is spelled "poseur" not "poser")

Like, if you fit the whole "emo" image. And you called yourself emo, would you be a poseur? Why or why not?


  • No, but it makes you a total loser douchebag, like the others said.

  • Sorry the other people are rude...

    Having a 'label' doesn't make you less of an individual, because the label does not define the person. It just defines one aspect of a person.

    You could easily label someone a cat lover, a funny person, and an avid reader as well as you could label someone emo.

    Anyways, 'emo' isn't just a look. The emo subculture is based around music. So if you only looked the part of emo, but didn't listen to the music, then yes I would say you are a poseur.

  • Douche not doosh. Anyway there's not exactly a way to 'fit' an emo 'image'. Image has nothing to do with being an emo. It's short for emotional.

  • Why feel the need to label yourself in the first place? only thing you need to be is you. Its still fully your choice to call yourself that but I really just don't see the need...

  • No being emo is more on the personality/emotional level while being a poseur is more outward appearance...Someone can dress in... idk Charlotte Russe clothing everyday and be emo...

  • If you think you're emo then youre emo.

    Don't care what other people think

  • not really anymore you're just saying you're emo it just makes you a poser when you're not emo but if you really are and then you call yourself that then it doesnt answer mine;_ylt=AhNvu...

  • No but it makes you a doosh bag.

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