Sixteenth birhday party ideas?


It's my birthday in April and I'll be 16. I wanted to have a party with around ten friends and wondered what I should do. I can't have it at home because I have a dog and all my friends are scared of dogs (stupid, I know). I can't have it at my aunties houses because they don't celebrate birthdays (no idea why). So I was thinking somewhere like a very small or resturant as it can't be too expensive and I wanted to incorperate a sweet or 'candy' theme.

Thanks for any help or ideas :) :D


  • My birthday is in April too :D

    and for where to have your party, you can have it at a catoring hall. i had my 15th birthday at one last year and it was a HIT! depending on which catoring place you do depends the price, but if you dont want to do that have it in your backyard, or a privavte park! somewhere not too busy and still lively!

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