Do you preferred Edge as face, after his Wrestlemania return?

Well, its quite a difficult question. I rather preferred him as face and even want him to be face now, but just that he doesn't get the type of reaction he used to, like a few years ago, in 2006, he was the most hated superstar in wrestling, So do you think that Edge should be turned face and get new challenges, or do you want him to stay heel, and let him stay competing with John Cena, Orton again and again...


By Wrestlemania return I mean to say, his whole 2010 return as face...


  • Edge is actually good as a face and as a heel. He knows how to play both roles very well, and has a sarcastic side to him that is easily adjustable to either side of the rope. Personally, I want Edge to be a face, because right now, the face side of WWE is VERY small. You have Cena, Orton, Undertaker and Rey Mysterio, with John Morrison FINALLY slowly getting a build. That's it. On the heels, you have Jericho, Edge, Sheamus, Swagger, Kane, Punk, with builds on The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and Wade Barrett. That's nine on five, and MOST of it has been done before.

    Orton/Jericho = Done

    Orton/Edge = Done

    Orton/Sheamus = Done... twice.

    Cena/Jericho = Done

    Cena/Edge = Done about five times

    Cena/Sheamus = Done, twice.

    Cena/Miz = Done

    Cena/Barrett = Done

    Rey/Kane = Done twice.

    Rey/Punk = Done

    Rey/Del Rio = Done, halfway

    Rey/Swagger = Done

    Undertaker/Kane = Done, four times.

    Undertaker/Punk = Done

    Undertaker/Swagger = Won't happen just yet.

    If you want to place Big Show on Smackdown's list of faces...

    Show/Kane = Done

    Show/Punk = Done

    Show/Swagger = Done

    Edge turning face would allow him to be on either show with the easy bump to main event contender without having to hide behind a huge list. Think about it.

    Edge/Punk = Hasn't been done.

    Edge/Swagger = Hasn't been done.

    Edge/Kane = Hasn't TRULY been done.

    Edge/Sheamus = Hasn't TRULY been done.

    Edge/Miz = Hasn't been done.

    Edge/Jericho = Done, but never resolved.

    Edge has a LOT to gain out of going face. Him and Jericho, in fact. And it needs to be done fast.

  • The Undertaker. Cena is the face of the WWE now and Taker is the ultimate legend. Same with the Rock vs Hogan at Wrestlemania 18. The Rock was arguably the face of the WWE then while Hogan was the ultimate legend. BQ: If the WWE can come up with a good product, and stop blaming the Miz for Survivor Series not selling, yeah, I think they can go at it at Wrestlemania. But only if it were an I Quit match or Last Man Standing type of match, because they have that high volume type of feud. BQ: No more than 7. 8, like last year, would be an overkill, unless they plan on having pre-Mania matches. BQ: I think Cena will be a full on heel where he will be back in the title run, as I predict he will beat the Rock. The fans are going to be mad that Cena made the Great One leave the company. Sad to say, but I think Rock, although I am Team Bring It, is just here to garner more money and get back the fans he lost while he was out doing Disney movies.

  • I'd prefer his face, he shouldn't have turned heel in the first place, yeah his heel character sucks so far, it itsn't as entertaining as his old heel character, like the one in 2006. I heard that before this year's wrestlemania, a few top superstars on Raw and Smackdown are gonna turn heel/face, and I hope Edge is one of them!

  • Edge was brilliant as a heel and went downhill in his face turn. being a 'rater r superstar' means he cannot be face as he is supposed to break all boundries. he was at the high of his career as a heel and should become the #1 heel in the WWE as he is one of the best.

    a face turn would create new scenarios but it just doesnt suite his character

  • heel

    edge was hardly a face jus won the royal rumble thats about it really

    but sick as a heel

  • no, edge sucks a face, plain and simple, he is so natural and funny as a heel

  • i think he should make a tag team with chris jericho and win the unified tag team titles but stay as a heel

  • noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!.

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