Assassin's Creed 2 - problems?

I've been trying to find info on this, and it isn't going very well.

I am playing Assassin's Creed 2 on a 360. In the general area of Sequence 7, Desmond exits the Animus and later has a hallucination involving Altair. You're supposed to follow a target up a tower, but once I get to the balcony on the tower, I CANNOT reach the next handhold, a post over the balcony. I've tried jumping from all angles: I fell off the tower many times.

Has anyone else seen this? What can I do about it?


  • i had this problem too! but i found out what to do. once you get to that balcony, stand right below the wood sticking out of the wall (but dont stand on the railing) face the wall, and just jump! youll grab right on to the wood, and be able to climb right up to the top :)

  • Hi, I had exactly the same problem. Once you're on the balcony press what you would normally use for running up a wall (for me its R1 and X because im on PS3) and then as soon as you get to the same height as the post press R1 and X again in the direction of the post and you should then just hang on to it. From then on you can just climb the rest of the way. For you i think its RT and X ?

    Hope this helped :)

  • go to theyll help

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