Strange "features" of testicles?
A kind of grainy feeling when they are smaller, as they vary in size hour to hour. When I try a self exam there's this part on the left testicle I press which is a little hard. Like a bump but I can't tell if It is.. Anyways it brings a sharp pain that lasts a while and causes the testicle to swell. Then I can't feel that strange thing anymore. I've had 3 ultrasounds since January do to infections I keep getting. This pain is also like a burning sensation.. Could it be an underlying vein I'm irritating? I don't know how long i've had it and the ultrasounds only uncovered epipdymdis ..
It could be a non carcinogenic may not be. Maybe have it scanned again properly.
Hard painless bumps mean cancer but if you press it and it hurts then it will be something else go see a doctor and focus only on that problem