How do you impress a smart guy?

Ok see, there's this guy I'm crushing on, and he's smart, athletic, and sarcastic. Mostly we argue, but it's all friendly and funny... How the heck do I make him like me?


  • The best advice anyone can give you in a situation like this is to be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not just to impress a guy, because that's never going to end well. The best chance you have is to charm him with your own personality, not a personality you think will attract him.

    It seems like things are going well for you anyway, arguing in a joking way is usually more of a sign of affection more than anything else. Make conversation with things that he is interested in and be a good listener.

    Good luck! C:

  • Always, always be yourself otherwise you'll make a world of trouble for yourself by living a lie of what you are not and then you'll really be confused. Sometimes you can impress people by your silence! Many people notice how you treat others. Are you kind and thoughtful to everyone, even those who seem to be outcasts? You have to be sincere about it, of course, but let me tell you that you don't want to impress anyone with anything less than your very best. Figure out what your best is and develop it, then, like I said, just be yourself.

  • that kind of guy, you have to go out with him personally as a friend so you and him get to know each other better if he's smart, athletic, and sarcastic he probably likes to be active, so hang out with him a few times then if he interested in you, he will show it when you meet him

  • "Mostly we argue, but it's all friendly and funny... How the heck do I make him like me?"...Sounds to me like he already does. So just be yourself. Usually THAT is the most impressive thing you can do.

  • Have you ever watched the "Threes Company" sitcom on TV? Did you notice Susanne Summers character, Chrissie Snow? The lovable dumb blonde? Smart guys loooooooooooooooove girls like her. So 'play up to him.' Find a way to make him feel good about himself. Make him feel masculine.

  • Just show interest in the things he sports, or his brainy stuff lol And maybe just straight up ask him to go out somee time...times have changed lol women have to make the first move noww

  • Outsmart him in public--make him look like a total chump. He'll fall head over heels for you.

  • just be yourself and act like you care about other things than your hair and nails xD if you catch his interest in things he likes you will get his attention. hey he probably already likes you, you just dont know it.

  • Sophie answered it perfectly.

  • study things he is interested in and engage him on his interests. like if he is into politics or some other nerd thing, bring it up and engage him on it

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