Unable to access ymail - Temporary error: ymws:Server.MailboxOpenFailed?
Everytime that I click on the mail icon, the mail interface is displayed for less than a second and then I get the error message "Temporary error: ymws:Server.MailboxOpenFailed"
I have tried with 3 different browsers with newly deleted cache and I get the same response each time. How can I get my ymail cleared so that I can get into it?
This is happening a lot lately.. Usually indicates a server problem, try again later and you should be good to go.
Type these 3 keys together
and in the window that appears Tick the top box
"Preserve Favourite website data"then click on Delete
That will clear out your browser cache and is
usually enough to fix most problems
Last Option
If they don't work then a full virus scan may be needed.
Have a good day.