the / sign means divided by. So first step is : 1 divided by 145.
Don't be scared if the number looks a little crazy
Percentage is a little strange to think about, but you know that 100% means everything, right? Well, if you had 145/145, that would be everything, and you would get the number 1 if you divided. So % is asking you to show how close to one you get , but in terms of 100. Just as / means "divided by", % means "Divided by 100". So in order to make a number into a percent, you need to multiply it to 100 and show that % sign.
So you need to multiply the number you get from 1/145 by 100 to get a %.
(just think, if you got 1 as your answer, you would multiply by 100 to get 100%)
the answer is 0.000068966% because 1 divided by 145 is 0.0068966 and when you want to change a decimal into a percent you simply move the decimal point to the left two digits.
just punch it into a calculator.
1 divided by 145 is 0.00689 or 0.689%
Divide 100 by 145 and multiply by 1, the answer is the percentage.
the / sign means divided by. So first step is : 1 divided by 145.
Don't be scared if the number looks a little crazy
Percentage is a little strange to think about, but you know that 100% means everything, right? Well, if you had 145/145, that would be everything, and you would get the number 1 if you divided. So % is asking you to show how close to one you get , but in terms of 100. Just as / means "divided by", % means "Divided by 100". So in order to make a number into a percent, you need to multiply it to 100 and show that % sign.
So you need to multiply the number you get from 1/145 by 100 to get a %.
(just think, if you got 1 as your answer, you would multiply by 100 to get 100%)
the answer is 0.000068966% because 1 divided by 145 is 0.0068966 and when you want to change a decimal into a percent you simply move the decimal point to the left two digits.
1 divided by 145. change the decimal into the percent.
are u allowed to use a calc on this??? if 1 divided by 145 and press the percentage button.....the answer is 1.45
Just move the decimal 2 places to the right, so it is
if you know that 3/4=.75 then youcan do it
using a calculator. plain and simple
.6897...I think