Does a cervical biopsy hurt?

I have to get one, I am freaking! Does it hurt? How long does it take? How long does it take results to come back?


  • I had one done Friday. It does not hurt. You will be asked to be undressed from waist down. He will open you up (w/ clamps) like a pap smear. He will look at your cervix with a microscope. and all you will feel is a few pinchs if he does a biopsy. (taking pinchs off your cervix for sample) It really doesnt even feel as bad as a pinch. It will last about 10 mins if that. You will have discharge and some clumpy discharge.

    He said if it is severe then they will notify me maybe to get laser treatment or to shave off bad cells. I have to get another pap in 6 months. He said if they do no notify me within 2 wks to call the office.

  • Hello ladies. I had my colposcopy & biopsy done today. Before going in, I read everything online and stressed for 2 weeks. I went in expecting the absolute worse pain ever! Was told by my doctor only a quarter of women actually require one. Yes-I was amongst that 25%. They have you undress only from the waist down. The feeling after that, is just as that of a pap. She applied vinegar- did not feel a thing. She applied iodine-also didn't feel it. All I felt was pressure. It was discomfort more than anything. The biopsy I felt but it was a small pinch. To be quite honest, getting my ovaries checked during the pap hurts more than than the biopsy. What did kind of hurt, was when my doctor removed the speculum at the end. Not sure how far up that was inserted but that caused mild cramping. The procedure was fast. I also assume everyone's body reacts different. My pain tolerance is almost none. I am the biggest cry-baby and did very well. I also took 3 Advils, 200 mg 45 min prior.

  • I have had one and it's honestly not on the top of my most fav things! But really it's not bad the worst part is just being nervous. So try to be calm. Honestly the most painful part was having someone down there staring. So relax it's not painful you will feel slight pinching sensation and that's about it!! Good Luck!!

  • No it does not hurt, it is uncomfortable because our nerves get the best of us. And it is done quickly - over before you know it.

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