My dog is depressed ?! Help !!!?

I dont want judgemental or rude answers

Okay i have two huskies

Today they both got out and the boy

Dog died :(((

It is so sad he got run over

The girl dog is depressed she doesnt leave her area and shes sleeping alot how do i get out of depression ???

It makes me really sad that shes like that


  • Give her today to collect herself, but try taking her outside tomorrow for a little special one on one TLC fetch or walk or whatever she likes best and lots of love :) Bonded dogs sometimes never fully recover from losing their buddy (I'm not trying to sound harsh, just from experience). Not that she will never be happy again, but she may be a little bit different from now on. If your dog doesn't want to play, just sit or lay with her to give her company. If she gets up and walks away from you, then respectfully give her space. Remember, she's grieving just as much as you are. The most important thing is just to be there for her if she needs a good scratch, because she's probably pretty lonely right now without her better half.

    Good luck in the healing process, losing a friend is never easy :'(

  • My condolences on your loss.

    Here is a site that I thought was helpful. It deals with depression in dogs.

    Good luck with your dog. I hope things work out for the two of you.

  • give her some time a week or 2,if she's still depressed get her a new friend (male),that should her make her feel better,sorry for your dog.

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