How to recover your self esteem?

I am going thru a lot of self esteem issues at the moment...First I gained 100lbs from have insulin resistance and PCOS. I lost 42 of those lbs so far (took a year!) but I still feel disgusting, it just seems like the weight doesn't want to come off no matter what I eat or home much I exercise? (any suggestions on diets or certain workouts?) Also the biggest problem is my husband recently had an affair with a much younger girl and I am just devastated about it. He is truly remorseful and we are going to out first marriage counseling appt on August 21st. I just lost any remaining self esteem after this huge blow. I never used to feel like this about myself and its so miserable! I constantly critique everything I do and wear and say its so awful. I am not trying to have a pity party I just hope that some others out there can give me insight on how they got their self esteem back and felt good about themselves again?


  • Hello! There is a lot in your note. Here are some thoughts - choose what is right for you:

    1.) Please listen to "Higher Self-Esteem" and "Ego Booster" by Sunrise Guided Visualizations (link below - 99 cents on Amazon MP3). Listen more than once. Open yourself to the experience. You are worth it!!!

    2.) I am sorry to hear about your husband's infidelity. But it is more about him than about you. The most gorgeous women, even actresses and models, have lovers who cheat on them sometimes. It's not about you, and it doesn't mean that you are anything less than WONDERFUL! (The sooner you can leave this behind you, the better you will feel.)

    3.) What is your best trait? Think about it. Value yourself for it. And measure your worth only by those good traits! Not by anybody else's standards.

    All the best to you!

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